Program Enrolment Terms


E7 Partner Limited (‘E7’, ‘we’, ‘our’, or ‘us’) are committed to respecting the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how we deal with your personal information that we collect, use, hold and disclose and how you may exercise your rights to access, alter or have removed such information.

E7’s preference is to view rather than collect personal information. E7 only collects information that is reasonably necessary for the proper performance of our activities or functions.

We have one Privacy Policy that covers our website and our Learning Management System (‘websites’).  We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time when we change how we deal with personal information. We will post any changes to this Privacy Policy on our websites, so we encourage you to check this Privacy Policy from time to time.

In addition to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, there may also be specific and additional privacy and consent provisions that apply to certain collection channels of personal information. Because those specific and additional provisions also relate to your privacy protection, we recommend that you review them wherever they appear. In the event of any inconsistency between the provisions of this Privacy Policy and those other specific and additional provisions, the specific and additional provisions will prevail.

E7 manages personal information in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the applicable national laws of the countries in which E7 operates.

Definition of ‘Personal Information’

Throughout this Privacy Policy, we use the term ‘personal information’ to refer to information or an opinion that identifies or locates a natural person, including when combined with other reasonably available data (including but not limited to when combined with other data using available technologies, Artificial Intelligence, or information to identify or locate a natural person), can be used to identify or locate a natural person whether the information or opinion is true or not; and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. For example, your full name, email address, and location settings, LinkedIn profile and photograph are examples of information which may constitute personal information. However, personal information does not include information that is appropriately de-identified or made anonymous and cannot be combined with other data using available technologies, Artificial Intelligence, or information to identify or locate a natural person.

Your Personal Information

To provide you with a positive experience, we need to collect some personal information, which may include full name; email; country of residence or time zone.  Your email address will only be used for the purposes for which you have provided it, and it will not be added to a mailing list or used for any other purpose without your consent. 

How We Collect Your Personal Information

To make any contact through our website, or register for a program, you must, knowingly and willingly provide us with the information we require to respond to you. The E7 websites do not provide facilities for the secure transmission of information across the Internet.

We cannot accept responsibility for events beyond our control; however, we do make every effort to keep personal information secure. We will not sell, rent, loan or otherwise pass on any personal information about you unless required to do so by law.


First-party and persistent cookies are used on the websites to remember your login information and for the purposes of session storage. They are deleted when you clear your browser or leave the website.

Storage of Information

We, or third parties acting our behalf may store or process info that we collect about you in countries where the standards for data protection may differ. All information is stored on secure servers. Specifically, servers used by our website are in Ireland. We also work with third party service providers around the world. We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and company security measures to prevent the loss or unauthorised access of your personal info. However, while we have used our best efforts to ensure data security, it is your responsibility to make an informed decision on whether to proceed or refrain from using our website and online learning programs.

Overseas disclosure

Due to the international nature of E7’s business, we may disclose personal information to overseas third-party providers and suppliers for the sole purpose of providing our services to you.  The overseas third-party providers and suppliers may be in the United Arab Emirates, Australia and/or Ireland.

How Long we Keep Your Data

Where we have a legitimate business need to do so, such as to comply with legal, tax or accounting requirements, we keep the personal information we collect from you for such periods of time as are required for us to meet our legal obligations.

When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymise it or, if this is not possible (such as due to backup archives), then we will securely store your personal information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Your Rights Over Your Data

You have the following rights:

  1. You can object to processing of your personal info, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information by using the contact details provided below.
  2. You may email us at [email protected]  to access, correct or update your personal information on our systems. We will answer every email as promptly as possible.
  3. If we have collected and processed your personal info based on your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time.
  4. You can edit your personal profile details on our online learning platform whenever you wish.
  5. If you have privacy-related questions or unresolved problems, you may contact us at [email protected].

All data related concerns and questions are responded to by E7’s appointed Data Protection Officer who can be contacted via [email protected].

Information Stored on Our Online Learning Platforms

In addition to the personal information outlined previously, when you participate on a E7 online program, we and our contracted third-party providers of the online learning platform may collect and store:

  1. Email communications seeking user support or queries related to the program.
  2. Comments posted while participating in online forums with program facilitators and other program participants.
  3. Content submitted by you during the program such as written reflective responses and survey responses.

How we Use Your Information on a Program

In providing our online program to you, we and third parties we work with will collect, store, and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To manage your learner account.
  2. To provide you with technical support.
  3. To send you email notification and updates about programs you are enrolled on.
  4. Where you are invited by a third party, such as your employer to enrol on a program, to allow that entity to monitor and track your progress.
  5. To award you with the relevant completion certificates, and to make direct contact with you regarding your progress and completion of the program.
  6. To contact you occasionally to invite you to share your views and experiences with E7 and to publish customer reviews of our programs on our website or on other media channels.
  7. To use your information in an aggregated format to identify trends in our programs. We may use this information in an anonymous format and may share this information with third parties.
  8. To enable other learners on our platform to view the information you have chosen to add to your profile.

When you create your user profile on our online learning platform, we will ask you to choose a password which enables you to access the online program. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share this password with anyone.


The information provided within any PROGRAM is to serve as general information only. It is not intended to be comprehensive, nor does it constitute advice in any way. The COMPANY attempts to ensure that the content is current and accurate but does not guarantee its currency and accuracy. The CLIENT should carry out its own research and/or seek your own advice before acting or relying on any of the information presented in a PROGRAM. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, any material contained in, or associated with, a PROGRAM disclaims all liability (whether arising by negligence or otherwise) to any person, in respect of action taken in reliance on the information. The CLIENT acknowledges, accepts and agrees that by ENROLLING in a PROGRAM, the CLIENT is fully responsible for progress and the results derived from the completion of the PROGRAM. The results achieved vary from person to person depending on personal attributes and/or objectives. The COMPANY offer no representations, warranties or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding the results a CLIENT may or may not achieve by ENROLLING in a PROGRAM.

Whom We May Share Your Information With

For the above stated purposes, we may share your info with the third parties outlined below, who have their own privacy policies and obligations under data protection laws. Third parties that may receive your information include:

  1. Contracted third-party online learning platform provider.
  2. Your employer if they have paid for your enrolment.
  3. If all, or substantially all our assets are acquired by a third party if they continue to use your information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, in which case info held by us will be one of the transferred assets; and
  4. Any entity to which we are under a duty to disclose or share your info to comply with ant legal obligation, or to enforce or apply our Terms and other legal requirements; or to protect our rights, property, or safety, our users, or others.

Data Breaches

In the event of a suspected data breach, E7 will conduct an investigation into the suspected breach that will last no more than 30 days.

Within 72 hours of identifying the breach, E7 will notify all affected parties of: the breach, the information that has been taken relevant to the individual and what E7 is doing to ensure that another breach does not happen.

Updating This Privacy Policy

We may update or amend this Policy from time to time. Any updates will be posted on the website. By continuing to access the website and/or the online programs and content, you will have deemed to have accepted the Privacy Policy as amended at the time of your access and use.

This was last updated on 28 March 2024.